Visual Legals About Us

About Us.

We craft T&Cs, contracts and other legal documents using Legal Design principles and Commercial Law expertise.

A Fresh Approach to Contracts.

Visual Legals Comic book terms and conditions

Legally binding Comic book T&Cs? HELL YES.

That’s what we thought too in 2015. Since then, we have been on a mission to revolutionise business contracts.

Infographics? Absolutely.

Clause icons? Alrighty then.

Clause illustrations? You bet-cha.

Full-page visual designs? For reals.

Gamification Terms? Okey-dokey Karaoke!

Why have the same long-winded text-filled pages that no-one reads, when you can have awesome contracts that reflect your brand?

About Us Visual Legals Legal Design

We have distilled over 10 years of world-class contract experience working with small businesses to global companies and juiced it all down to form a contract smoothy – perfectly blending plain English legal drafting with striking visual designs.

We unashamedly love T&Cs.

I Love Terms and Conditions Visual Legals T&Cs